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Multipiers - ebookMultipliers by Todd Wilson
Description: Are you sensing that something’s just not right about our addiction, and possibly idolatry, to our accumulation cultures that produce cultural Christians? The new Exponential book Multipliers: Leading Beyond Addition was written with you in mind.

Becoming a Level Five Multiplying Church by Todd Wilson, Dave Ferguson, and Alan HirschBecoming a Level Five Multiplying Church by Todd Wilson, Dave Ferguson, and Alan Hirsch
Focusing on the specifics of helping churches identify where they are on the multiplication scale (Levels 1 - 5) and what’s needed to become a Level 5 multiplying church, Todd and Dave champion multiplication and equip future church multipliers to move beyond the prevailing addition-growth scorecards.

Networked ChurchThe Networked Church by Brian Sanders
In The Networked Church, Brian Sanders, gazes into the future of American culture and describes how the Church needs to adapt to the changes that are beginning to take place. Rather than the large consumer-focused entity, we will need to shift to being agile, creation-oriented networks that unleash the potential every believer is desiring to live out.

From Scarcity to Abundance by Bill Easum and Bill Tenny-BrittianFrom Scarcity to Abundance by Bill Easum and Bill Tenny-Brittian
When church leadership veteran Bill Easum returned home from a meeting with national church leaders that Exponential assembled to identify the characteristics of Level 5 multiplying churches, he knew something was different. And he had to write about what he had just heard.

Dying to RestartDying to Restart by Greg Wiens and Dan Turner
Numerous books have been written to help churches lead revitalization efforts or tweak what they’re doing to stay healthy and reproduce. But the reality is that numerous churches have tried everything these books suggest—and are still nearing death, perpetually finding themselves at what Exponential identifies as a Level 1 survival culture.

Becoming a Disciple Maker by Bobby Harrington and Greg WiensBecoming a Disciple Maker by Bobby Harrington and Greg Wiens
In this new book, Exponential’s discipleship curator and’s co-founder Bobby Harrington joins with Greg Wiens (Healthy Growing Churches) to introduce and explore the pathway to becoming a disciple maker using Exponential’s Becoming Five framework.

Stories of SiftedStories of Sifted by Todd Wilson and Eric Reiss
In Stories of Sifted, authors Eric Reiss and Todd Wilson explore these difficult seasons in a new way by looking at what Scripture teaches about being sifted and the potential it brings for our increased faithfulness and multiplied impact.