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2024 - 2025 


 A two day conference designed to ENCOURAGE, EQUIP & CELEBRATE Youth Ministry staff and volunteers.

Join us in ENCOURAGING, EQUIPPING & CELEBRATING your youth staff and volunteers as you get started into a new ministry year! This is one of the best ways to bring your team together and help your team excel in ministry together.

October 4-5, 2024

For More Info:

Next Level LeadershipNext Level Preaching


We are pleased to be offering our Next Level Network of classes beginning this October!

This includes our Next Level Leadership & Next Level Preaching classes.
These are a 4 hour commitment once per month for 8 sessions.

Please let us know if you are interested and would like to be added to the contact list by emailing

VIP Training

Vitality Interim Pastor TrainingThe Vitality Interim Pastor course trains pastors how to strengthen church health in a strategic interim ministry. Over 30 FEB Central Pastors have now taken this training and many are serving as VIP's across our region.  Participants have commented that the training is applicable for their current ministry roles as well as interim pastorates.  

We are pleased to offer this training again and invite you to join us in October.  
More information will be coming soon!  Watch for more details!
If you are interested in joining VIP Training this October, email to be added to the email list.

Marriage in Ministry Retreat Oct 2024

This retreat will provide couples serving in pastoral ministry with the opportunity to find care, encouragement, and rest together in the beauty of Muskoka. From the chance to learn together from experienced ministry couples to the simple gift of unhurried conversation and time together, this weekend aims to give husbands and wives the time to get away and slow down to find peace and listen to God and each other.

Register here


Bedlam is a weekend like no other!!
We work hard to provide a place where Jr High students can experience God through fantastic worship and teaching and also deepen friendships and make amazing memories as they take advantage of everything that Muskoka Woods has to offer.

November 15 - November 17, 2024
November 22 - November 24, 2024

We take care of everything. Just get there and experience the weekend with
your students. Registration opens for FEB Churches on the first Wednesday of September each year. It then opens publicly on the second Thursday of September. Don't delay in registering or you may miss out. All registration is processed through EventBrite and requires a credit card for purchasing.
Reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

More info on BEDLAM


Fellowship National Conference (FNC) 2024
November 11-13, 2024 

Sheraton Fallsview Hotel in Niagara Falls, ON
For more conference information including hotel reservations, click here.

The Gathering

FEB Youth Pastors' Retreat

January 6 - January 8, 2025

The Gathering is a retreat focused on respite just for youth pastors. Whether you’re part time or full time, whether youth is your entire job description or part of it, whether you're male or female, a pastor, director, or whatever other title has been assigned... If you're employed in youth ministry, we'd love to have you join us!

At the Gathering, we take time to get into the Word together and discuss our shared calling and passion for youth ministry. We are intentional about resting, eating great food, and having lots of fun. Time after time, attendees talk about The Gathering as a highlight of their year. 

Starts on Monday at 7 pm and ends on Wednesday at 11:30 am.

More info on The The GATHERING


February 21 - February 23, 2025
February 28 - March 2, 2025

At Snocamp, high school students get to enjoy all of what Muskoka Woods has to offer while also being immersed in worship and teaching from God’s Word. Over and over, we hear from group leaders that Snocamp is a major highlight for them and their students every year. We take care of everything. Just get here and experience the weekend with your students. Registration opens for FEB Churches on the first Wednesday of November each year. It then opens publically on the second Thursday of November. Don't delay in registering or you may miss out. All registration is processed through EventBrite and requires a credit card for purchasing. Reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

More info on SNOCAMP


Our Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday March 25th, 2025 over Zoom. 
Please plan on attending at bring your staff for updates and reports about FEB Central Ministries, as well as our business meeting. 


Join us for the
2025 FEB Central STRONGER Conference
April 28-29, 2025
Emmanuel, Barrie
We look forward to seeing you there!

Audio recordings from our 2024 STRONGER Conference Main Sessions and Workshops now are available online!


May 4, 2025

Have you been impacted by FEB Youth through Snocamp, Bedlam, or any other part of our ministry?

A night of worship for Youth, Young Adults, and Adults alike.
We would LOVE to see you there!

More info on The Reunion

Pastors' Conference

2025 FEB Central Pastors' Conference
June 2 - 5, 2025
Muskoka Bible Centre

 Mark your calendars for this a wonderful time of relaxing and refreshing for our Pastors
We look forward to seeing you there!

Audio recordings from our 2024 Pastors Conference are available!